Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Despedida Party (Finale)

April 24, 2009 – This was Anton’s last day in the office. A number of our officemates decided to join us for dinner. We held the dinner/farewell party at Friday’s Glorietta 3. Ms. Jess, Dennis and Dimple, Lyn, Jho, Che, Janine, Anne and Clarisse were there to bid Anton goodbye.

After dinner, we went to Ice Vodka, again. Well, you can say that it’s the official ‘despedida bar’ for Anton. Staff from Ice recognized you when we went there last time. Cool! I hope they would give us discounts.

Everyone enjoyed the night. A very perfect ending. *wink*wink*

We just hope that you enjoyed your stay in the Philippines. You will be missed. Keep in touch and we wish you all the best!


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